Box of 100 Original ReproFX Thermal Copier Hectograph Paper Box of 100 Original ReproFX Thermal Copier Hectograph Paper
  • Box of 100 Original ReproFX Thermal Copier Hectograph Paper
  • Box of 100 Original ReproFX Thermal Copier Hectograph Paper

Box of 100 Original ReproFX Thermal Copier Hectograph Paper

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56,39 €
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Zahlen Sie 18,80 € in 3 Raten. Mehr erfahren

Pack of 100 ReproFX thermal carbon paper for creating stencils using a thermal copier machine. Each sheet is 3-layered.

We recommend using ELECTRUM Stencil Solution when applying the template to the skin for a cleaner transfer.

Product History In 1923, the spirit duplicating machine was invented. It used methanol to transfer ink from a spirit master to a sheet of paper. The machine was called a “ditto machine”, and the spirit master a “ditto master.” Reprofax, a thermal spirit master unit whose name is trademarked by Colonial, is the spirit master unit that needs to be run through a thermal imaging machine such as a 3M. Once the image is “burned”, it can be used in a spirit duplicating machine. ReproFX Spirit units are free of lead and other heavy metal contamination and safe for application to the skin. All ReproFX Spirit stencil paper and transfer creams are certified vegan products.

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